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Divortiare by Ika Natassa: A Novel about Love, Marriage, and Divorce

Divortiare is a novel by Ika Natassa, a popular Indonesian author who is also a banker and a founder of a literary startup. The novel was first published in 2008 and has received positive reviews from readers and critics. Divortiare tells the story of Alexandra, a 27-year-old workaholic banker who has just divorced her husband and feels like a damaged good. She believes that the only way to avoid being hurt is to hate, but fate has other plans for her.

In this article, we will explore the themes, characters, and style of Divortiare, as well as some of the reasons why you should read this novel if you are interested in contemporary romance, Indonesian literature, or women's issues.

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Divortiare explores several themes that are relevant to the modern society, such as love, marriage, divorce, commitment, career, friendship, and self-discovery. The novel challenges the conventional views on marriage and divorce, especially in the Indonesian context where divorce is still considered a taboo and a failure. The novel also portrays the struggles and dilemmas of young professionals who have to balance their work and personal lives, as well as their dreams and realities.

One of the main themes of Divortiare is the meaning of commitment. The novel begins with a quote from Anthony Hopkins' character in the movie Red Dragon: "Our scar has a way to remind us that the past is real." This quote refers to Alexandra's tattoo of her ex-husband's name on her chest, which she later decides to remove. The tattoo symbolizes her commitment to her marriage, but also her pain and regret after the divorce. The novel questions whether commitment is a permanent or a temporary thing, and whether it is possible to erase or forget the past.

Another theme of Divortiare is the power of love. The novel shows how love can heal or hurt, inspire or destroy, change or stay the same. Alexandra, who has been hurt by her divorce, tries to avoid falling in love again by hating everyone around her. However, she meets Raka, a charming photographer who makes her feel alive again. Raka also has his own issues with love and commitment, as he has been betrayed by his ex-girlfriend. The novel explores how Alexandra and Raka deal with their feelings for each other, and whether they can overcome their fears and trust each other.


Divortiare features several characters who are realistic and relatable. The main character is Alexandra Rhea Wicaksono, or Alex for short. She is a successful banker who works at Citibank Indonesia. She is smart, ambitious, independent, and confident. However, she is also cynical, bitter, and lonely after her divorce. She has a hard time opening up to anyone and prefers to focus on her work. She has a close friend named Dinda, who is also a banker and a divorcee. Dinda is more cheerful and optimistic than Alex, and often tries to cheer her up.

The love interest of Alex is Raka Pradana Putra, or Raka for short. He is a freelance photographer who works for various magazines and projects. He is handsome, charming, witty, and adventurous. He likes to travel and explore new places and cultures. He is also kind-hearted and generous, as he often helps out at an orphanage. However, he is also insecure and afraid of commitment after his ex-girlfriend cheated on him with his best friend.

Other characters in Divortiare include Alex's ex-husband Bimo Aditya Pratama (Bimo), Raka's ex-girlfriend Karina (Karin), Alex's boss Mr. Lee (Lee), Alex's colleague Kevin (Kevin), Raka's friend Dito (Dito), Dinda's boyfriend Adit (Adit), and Alex's parents.


Divortiare is written in a simple yet engaging style that captures the voice and emotions of the characters. The novel uses first-person narration from Alex's point of view, which allows the reader to understand her thoughts and feelings better. The novel also uses dialogues that are witty and realistic, as well as descriptions that are vivid and detailed.

The novel also uses some elements of humor and sarcasm to lighten up the mood and tone of the story. For example, Alex often makes jokes or comments about herself or others that are funny or ironic. The novel also uses some references to pop culture or current events that are relevant to the story or the characters.

Why You Should Read Divortiare

Divortiare is a novel that you should read if you are looking for a refreshing and entertaining story that also offers some insights and perspectives on love, marriage, and divorce. The novel is not only a romance, but also a social commentary and a personal journey of the characters. The novel is also a representation of the modern Indonesian society and culture, as well as the challenges and opportunities that young professionals face in the globalized world.

Divortiare is a novel that will make you laugh, cry, think, and feel. It is a novel that will touch your heart and mind. It is a novel that you will not regret reading.

If you are interested in reading Divortiare by Ika Natassa, you can find it on [Goodreads] or [download it for free] in PDF format.


Divortiare by Ika Natassa is a novel that offers a fresh and realistic perspective on love, marriage, and divorce in the modern society. The novel features characters that are relatable and complex, as well as a plot that is engaging and unpredictable. The novel also showcases the diversity and richness of the Indonesian culture and language, as well as the challenges and opportunities that young professionals face in the globalized world.

Divortiare is a novel that will appeal to readers who enjoy contemporary romance, women's fiction, or Indonesian literature. The novel is also suitable for readers who are interested in learning more about the social and personal issues that affect many people today, such as divorce, career, friendship, and self-discovery. The novel is also a great choice for readers who are looking for a story that is humorous, emotional, and inspiring.

Divortiare by Ika Natassa is a novel that you should not miss. It is a novel that will make you appreciate the value of love, the importance of commitment, and the power of choice. It is a novel that will make you realize that sometimes, the best way to heal is to love again.

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