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Bihar TET Result 2011 PDF Download: How to Check Your Marks Online

If you are one of the candidates who appeared for the Bihar Teacher Eligibility Test (TET) / Bihar Secondary/Intermediate Teacher Eligibility Test (BSTET) 2011 special examination 2016, you might be eagerly waiting for your results. The Bihar School Education Board (BSEB) has declared the results for both the exams on its official website, You can download the result PDF file and check your marks online by following these simple steps.


Steps to Download and Verify Bihar TET Result 2011 PDF

  • Visit the official website of BSEB,

  • Click on the link that says "BETET/BSITET 2011 Result" on the homepage.

  • A new window will open where you have to enter your 10-digit roll number and click on "Search".

  • Your result will be displayed on the screen in a PDF format.

  • You can download the PDF file and save it for future reference.

  • You can also verify your marks by comparing them with the answer keys that were released earlier by the board.

About Bihar TET / BSTET 2011 Exams

The Bihar TET / BSTET 2011 exams were conducted for the recruitment of teachers for classes 1 to 12 in various schools across the state of Bihar. The exams were held in two phases: Phase I was held on December 17 and 18, 2016, and Phase II was held on January 8, 2017. The exams were conducted in two papers: Paper I for classes 1 to 5 and Paper II for classes 6 to 12. The candidates who qualified the exams are eligible to apply for teaching jobs in Bihar.

The results of the exams were delayed due to various reasons, such as court cases, administrative issues, and technical glitches. The board finally declared the results on April 24, 2018, after a long wait of over six years. The results are valid for seven years from the date of declaration.

What Next After Bihar TET / BSTET 2011 Results?

The candidates who have cleared the Bihar TET / BSTET 2011 exams can apply for teaching jobs in Bihar as per their eligibility and preference. The board will issue certificates to the qualified candidates soon. The candidates can also apply for other state or central teacher eligibility tests if they wish to pursue their career in teaching outside Bihar.

We hope this article has helped you to download and check your Bihar TET Result 2011 PDF online. For more updates and information on education, stay tuned with us.


  • [BETET/ BSITET 2011 results declared, check at]

  • [BETET/BSITET 2011 Results: Steps to Download and Verify Biha]

  • [Bihartetresult2011pdfdownload ^NEW^ Bihar TET / BSTET Result]


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